TransactDirect Reporting API
Generating an OAuth 2 Access Token
Accessing a Monek reporting API requires an OAuth 2 Access Token, whichcan be obtained using Client Credentials.
The client application can obtain an Access Token using the Monek OAuth endpoint:
This endpoint requires a POST request. A Basic Authorization header should be present containing the client credentials base64-encoded in the format <client_id>:<secret>
In addition, the client should include an application/x-www-form-urlencoded
body specifying the grant_type
as follows.
Name | Value |
grant_type | client_credentials |
scope | As required by the report API to be requested |
Sample OAuth2 Request
The complete auth request should therefore look like this:
Authorization: Basic <client_id>:<secret> Content-Type:
Sample OAuth2 Response
A successful response will include an OAuth2 Access Token, valid for one hour, enabling access to the API.
"access_token": "c2FtcGxlX2FjY2Vzc190b2tlbl9oZXJl…",
"expires_in": 3600,
"token_type": "Bearer"
TransactDirect Transaction Report
The transaction query API will allow a merchant to query their transaction history for a given date range, Cross Reference, or merchant Payment Reference.
Accessing the transaction reporting API requires an OAuth 2 Access Token, which can be obtained using the following grant_type
and scope
Name | Value |
grant_type | client_credentials |
scope | transactdirect/get-transactions |
The OAuth2 Access Token must be specified as a Bearer
token in the
Authorization: Bearer <oauth2token>
Request Fields
Path Parameters
Field Name | Description | Req'd | Size | Type |
monekId | Monek issued merchant ID. | M | 7 | N |
Query String Parameters
Field Name | Description | Req'd | Size | Type |
startDateTime | Start date and time for transaction report | M | 25 max. | ISO 8601 |
endDateTime | End date and time for transaction report | M | 25 max. | ISO 8601 |
crossReference | Filters the transaction results by the supplied Monek Cross Reference | O*1 | 21 max. | A |
paymentReference | Filters the transaction results by the supplied Merchant Payment Reference | O*1 | 50 max. | A |
trackingToken | Filters the transaction results by the supplied Tracking Token | O*1 | 32 | A |
pageSize | Indicates the maximum number of transactions to be returned. Default 1,000, min 50, max 5,000 | O | V | N |
pageNumber | Indicates the page number of the results to retrieve. Used in conjunction with pageSize | O | V | N |
newestFirst | If set to True, transaction results will be ordered from newest to oldest. Defaults to False | O | 5 | B |
- Only one optional filter parameter should be supplied. If multiple filter parameters are present the most restrictive will be chosen with the following priority: Cross Reference, Payment Reference, Tracking Token.
- Tracking token used for search must exist on the
specified in the path, results will include matching transactions across all related merchants. Tracking tokens only available to select partners.
Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJRekQzNVl4TG9tdURhQ...
Response Fields
Field Name | Description | Size | Type |
merchant | Monek issued merchant ID | 7 | N |
startDateTime | Start date and time for transaction report | 25 max. | ISO 8601 |
endDateTime | End date and time for transaction report | 25 max. | ISO 8601 |
message | Summary message for report e.g. - Success - Unauthorised | V | A |
filterType | Confirms the type of filter used for the report, if any | V | A |
filterValue | Confirms the value used to filter the report | V | A |
transactionCount | Count of total transactions returned | 7 | N |
pageSize | Page size for this result set | V | N |
pageNumber | Page number for this result set | V | N |
transactionDetails | Collection of Transaction Details | V | A |
Transaction Detail
Field Name | Description | Size | Type |
transactionDateTime | Transaction response date and time | 33 | ISO 8601 |
requestDateTime | Transaction request date and time | 33 | ISO 8601 |
source | The source of the transaction | V | A |
transactionType | Transaction type | V | A |
dispatch | Deferred dispatch type | 5 | A |
isReversed | Indicates if this transaction was subsequently reversed | 5 | B |
amount | Transaction amount in minor currency | 10 | N |
cashbackAmount | Cashback amount in minor currency | 10 | N |
currencyCode | Transaction currency code | 3 | N |
countryCode | Merchant country code | 3 | N |
idempotencyToken | Merchant supplied unique identifier for transaction | 50 | A |
paymentReference | Merchant payment reference | 50 | A |
paymentChannel | Merchant payment channel | 50 | A |
paymentDetail | Merchant payment detail | 1500 | A |
merchantData | Additional merchant data | 1500 | A |
result | Result Details object | - | - |
merchant | Merchant Details object | - | - |
subMerchant | Payment Facilitator Sub Merchant Details object | - | - |
device | Device Details object | - | - |
cardholder | Cardholder Details object | - | - |
card | Card Details object | - | - |
lineItemData | Line Item Details object | - | - |
Result Details
Field Name | Description | Size | Type |
crossReference | A unique reference for this transaction | 50 | A |
responseCode | TransactDirect response code | 2 | N |
responseMessage | Transaction response message | 80 | A |
authorisationCode | Authorisation code | 2-8 | N |
avsCv2Code | AVS/CV2 response code | 6 | N |
avsCv2Message | AVS/CV2 response message | 30 | A |
threeDSecure | 3-D Secure Details object | - | - |
acquirerReference | Acquirer reference number | V | A |
auditTrail | Information about linked transactions | V | A |
cardToken | A reusable code identifying this card | 50 | A |
trackingToken | A unique tracking token for the card used | 32 | A |
terminalId | Terminal ID used for this transaction | 8 | N |
messageNumber | Transaction message number | 4 | N |
3-D Secure Details
Field Name | Description | Size | Type |
enrolled | 3-D Secure enrolment status code | 1 | A |
authenticated | 3-D Secure authenticated status code | 1 | A |
eci | E-commerce indicator | 2 | A |
cavv | Cardholder authentication value | 32 | A |
transactionId | 3-D Secure transaction ID | 20 | N |
Merchant Details
Field Name | Description | Size | Type |
monekId | Monek merchant ID | 7 | N |
merchantNumber | Bank issuer merchant number | 15 | N |
acquirer | Acquirer name. Echo+ | V | A |
name | Merchant name | V | A |
location | Merchant location | V | A |
Sub Merchant Details
Field Name | Description | Size | Type |
subMerchantId | Sub merchant number | 15 | A |
name | Sub merchant name | 22 | A |
address | Sub merchant address | 48 | A |
city | Sub merchant city | 13 | A |
postcode | Sub merchant postcode | 10 | A |
state | Sub merchant state | 3 | A |
countryCode | Sub merchant country code | 3 | N |
Device Details
Field Name | Description | Size | Type |
deviceDateTime | Transaction date and time on payment device | V | 8601 |
terminalId | Payment device terminal ID | 8 | N |
messageNumber | Payment device message number | 4 | N |
Cardholder Details
Field Name | Description | Size | Type |
name | Cardholder name | 30 | A |
address | Cardholder address | 100 | A |
postcode | Cardholder postal code | 10 | A |
phoneNumber | Cardholder phone number | 30 | A |
emailAddress | Cardholder email address | 50 | A |
Card Details
Field Name | Description | Size | Type |
maskedCard | Masked PAN | 21 | A |
startDate | Card start date in form YYMM | 4 | N |
expiryDate | Card expiry date in form YYMM | 4 | N |
cardType | Monek card type code | 2 | A |
cardDescription | Card type description | V | A |
issuerCountryCode | Card issuing country code where available | 3 | N |
Line Item Details
Field Name | Description | Size | Type |
description | Line item data product summary. From QAProducts. | 168 | A |
taxDiscountDescription | Description of tax or discount applied | 20 | A |
discountAmount | Value of discount change to total value | 9 | N |
taxAmount | Value of tax change to total value | 9 | N |
lineItems | Collection of line items | - | - |
Line Item
Field Name | Description | Size | Type |
description | Description of line item | 15 | A |
grossValue | Gross value of item in minor currency | 10 | N |
quantity | Quantity of item | 3 | N |
Successful Response Example
"merchant": "9876543",
"startDateTime": "2020-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
"endDateTime": "2020-02-01T00:00:00+00:00",
"message": "Success",
"filterType": "CrossReference",
"filterValue": "200101135257222244XYX",
"transactionCount": 1,
"pageSize": 1000,
"pageNumber": 1,
"transactionDetails": [
"transactionDateTime": "2020-01-01T13:52:57.3698135+00:00",
"requestDateTime": "2020-01-01T13:52:56.1946514+00:00",
"source": "INTERNET",
"transactionType": "ESALE_KEYED",
"dispatch": "NOW",
"isReversed": false,
"amount": "499",
"currencyCode": "826",
"countryCode": "826",
"idempotencyToken": "e04128ad-66ab-4a6c-ae40-bbf4fc91b5ee",
"paymentReference": "PayRef23908",
"paymentDetail": "UGF5bWVudERldGFpbA==",
"merchantData": "QWxzb01lcmNoYW50RGF0YQ==",
"result": {
"crossReference": "200101135257222244XYX",
"responseCode": "00",
"responseMessage": "AUTH CODE:222244",
"authorisationCode": "222244",
"avsCv2Code": "222800",
"avsCv2Message": "ALL MATCH",
"trackingToken": "c37e041d129a43e58b330f8a71bb7f87",
"terminalId": "22080001",
"messageNumber": "0858"
"merchant": {
"monekId": "9876543",
"merchantNumber": "0123456789",
"acquirer": "Monek",
"name": "Test Merchant",
"location": "Lichfield"
"cardholder": {
"name": "Mr Smith",
"address": "12 High Street",
"postcode": "B1 2BC"
"card": {
"maskedCard": "453979******0106",
"expiryDate": "2212",
"cardType": "VD",
"cardDescription": "Visa Debit",
"issuerCountryCode": "826"
"lineItemData": {
"lineItems": [
"description": "Goods",
"grossValue": "499",
"quantity": "1"
Unauthorised Example
"message": "Unauthorized"