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Prepared Payments

Prepared Payments is a TransactDirect feature that converts a hosted page transaction request into a token that can be used later to render the payment page.

The ability to tokenise the payment request provides many benefits.

  • Higher security for transaction request details
  • Concise redirect URLs or Iframe links
  • Pay-by-Link functionality

A prepared payment token will be valid for the specified period or until an authorised transaction has been completed, whichever comes first.

Creating a Prepared Payment Token

To create a payment token, you can use all the same parameters from a normal Checkout Page request, just send them to the iPayPrepare.ashx endpoint instead using HTTP POST. This will return a Prepared Payment Token that can be used to instantiate the Checkout Page without exposing any of the sensitive transaction data.

  • Staging:
  • Production:

iPayPrepare supports all standard Checkout Page parameters including Basket Details, 3-D Secure, and customisations.

The iPayPrepare method supports different return formats and validity periods for the requested token and can be configured with the following additional parameters.

Field NameDescriptionReq'dSizeType
PreparedPaymentActionSpecifies the return type for the prepared payment transaction token. Options are:
- Raw
Defaults to Raw if not supplied.
O4 max.A
PreparedPaymentMinutesValidity period for the prepared payment token in minutes.O6N
PreparedPaymentExpirySpecific expiry date for the prepared payment token.O6ISO 8601

Note: If no expiry details are supplied the prepared payment token will default to 30 minutes.

Token Response Format

Response TypeDescription
XML<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><PreparedPayment><Token>EDG1jdjWAvmOIWYT-pmwvMGUU22yonkUwe1ZiY9qL8GChXzBPfhz5OfOCTgf5IQQ45f1eZVuN5ltb9MmVwQUOZgqHMGvFIs86QmlHIxsx2YM,</Token><ExpiryDate>2018-05-03T12:03:06.8872848+01:00</ExpiryDate></PreparedPayment>

Note: XML and JSON formats will also confirm the exact expiry date and time of the generated token.

Using a Prepared Payment Token

To use the prepared payment token, call the preferred iPay payment page passing the generated token in the PaymentToken field as GET or POST.

Field NameDescriptionReq'dSizeType
PaymentTokenSpecifies the prepared payment token used to process the payment.M108A
