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Accepting American Express

This document describes the procedure and requirements for passing Line Item Detail information to TransactDirect for American Express cards.


This requirement is deprecated if using the new Basket feature of TransactDirect

Before a merchant can begin to process American Express transactions they must have been issued with a Merchant ID from American Express and Monek must have completed the necessary set-up procedures for that Amex MID.


In addition to the standard fields passed as part of a normal transaction, a number of extra fields are required for American Express transactions.

A transaction may consist of between one and six items, with optional information to describe tax or discount changes that have been made to the total value. A transaction must contain the quantity, description and gross value of at least one item.

The contents of the purchase detail fields are scrutinised by the card issuer to ensure that the card member's statement is detailed and meaningful enough to the card member to meet American Express standards.

Purchase Detail Fields

Field NameDescriptionReq'dSizeType
LIDItem1QuantityQuantity of item 1M3 max.N
LIDItem1DescriptionDescription of item 1M15 max.A
LIDItem1GrossValueGross value of item 1 in minor currency unitsM10 max.N
LIDItem2QuantityQuantity of item 2O3 max.N
LIDItem2DescriptionDescription of item 2O15 max.A
LIDItem2GrossValueGross value of item 2 in minor currency unitsO10 max.N
LIDItem3QuantityQuantity of item 3O3 max.N
LIDItem3DescriptionDescription of item 3O15 max.A
LIDItem3GrossValueGross value of item 3 in minor currency unitsO10 max.N
LIDItem4QuantityQuantity of item 4O3 max.N
LIDItem4DescriptionDescription of item 4O15 max.A
LIDItem4GrossValueGross value of item 4 in minor currency unitsO10 max.N
LIDItem5QuantityQuantity of item 5O3 max.N
LIDItem5DescriptionDescription of item 5O15 max.A
LIDItem5GrossValueGross value of item 5 in minor currency unitsO10 max.N
LIDItem6QuantityQuantity of item 6O3 max.N
LIDItem6DescriptionDescription of item 6O15 max.A
LIDItem6GrossValueGross value of item 6 in minor currency unitsO10 max.N

M = Mandatory, O = Optional, V = Variable Length, A = Alpha-Numeric, N = Numeric

Tax / Discount Fields

In addition, the following optional fields may be used to provide details of tax or discount changes to the total value. If used, either discount or tax value may be present, but not both. The description field must be provided if either the tax or discount value fields are used.

These fields appear on the American Express or Diners Club card member's statement, enabling them to view net tax and discount on items bought.

Field NameDescriptionReq'dSizeType
LIDTaxValueValue of tax change to total value in minor currency units.O9 max.N
LIDTaxDiscountDescriptionExplanation of tax change to total value.O20 max.A


Field NameDescriptionReq'dSizeType
LIDDiscountValueValue of discount change to total value in minor currency units.O9 max.N
LIDTaxDiscountDescriptionExplanation of discount change to total value.O20 max.A

M = Mandatory, O = Optional, V = Variable Length, A = Alpha-Numeric, N = Numeric


The following examples show the additional fields that may be passed to the gateway to describe the Line Item Detail information.

A one item transaction with no tax or discount changes

Field NameValue
LIDItem1DescriptionRING BINDER

A one item transaction with tax changes

Field NameValue
LIDItem1DescriptionRING BINDER
LIDTaxDiscountDescriptionTAX ADJUSTMENT

A one item transaction with discount changes

Field NameValue
LIDItem1DescriptionRING BINDER

A two item transaction with no tax or discount changes

Field NameValue
LIDItem1DescriptionRING BINDER