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Monek's TransactDirect is an Internet-based real-time card processing system that converts the traditional two-stage authorisation and payment processes into one convenient 'transaction' process.

TransactDirect is designed to be exceptionally easy to integrate into web sites, Internet-connected call centre systems and Internet-connected Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS) terminals. It is secure, flexible, robust and fast.

The TransactDirect Checkout Page provides a simple and secure payment page that can be used with any website, while the TransactDirect Payments API provide a secure mechanism to manage repeat payments, refunds, and more.

You can easily try out TransactDirect from within your own web site, call centre system or software to establish its speed, functionality and simplicity of integration. Please contact our support team at to request test credentials.

Monek Portal

All TransactDirect merchants have secure access to our Monek Merchant Portal providing merchants with the ability to view their transaction history, process refunds and re-billing, as well as process new transactions via Virtual Terminal (VT) or Pay-by-Link.

While the Monek Portal provides many features in common with the TransactDirect Payments API it is recommended to use the APIs where possible to provide an automated and faster service while reducing the possibility of human error.

EMV 3-D Secure

Monek's 3-D Secure implementation for Visa Secure, MasterCard Identity Check, and American Express SafeKey is integrated directly into Monek's TransactDirect creating a seamless, secure Internet card processing facility. EMV 3DS is now mandatory as part of the Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) requirements of the EU's Second Payment Services Directive (PSD2). Monek will automatically configure 3-D Secure for all merchants.

Monek's 3-D Secure implementation has the following features:

  • Full compliance with Visa, MasterCard, and Amex 3-D Secure v2.1.0, v2.2.0.
  • Ease of integration using HTML form fields and browser client re-direction.
  • Integrated directly into Monek's TransactDirect Hosted Page and Checkout.
  • Transaction details are maintained by TransactDirect during the 3-D Secure process removing this liability from the merchant's website.