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Migrating from SecureHosting

Our Monek Checkout integration provides a feature-rich and flexible e-commerce payment page solution compared to the legacy Hosted Form integrations with Secure Hosting. Switching is easy, and all Monek e-commerce customers already have full support for Monek Checkout configured as standard.

With Checkout, you no longer need to build and maintain your own payment page. We provide a clear, modern, and unified payment page for all customers - all you need to do is switch your existing website to use the new integration.


First, you will need to determine how you are currently integrating with Secure Hosting. This will fall into one of the following categories:

  • Hosted Form: Most customers use this method. This guide details how to switch your existing redirect and field mappings to simplify the migration.
  • WooCommerce: If you already use the WooCommerce plugin for Secure Hosting, all you need to do is install the Monek Checkout equivalent. See our GitHub Page for instructions.
  • API: API customers should refer to the Payments API User Guide for documentation.
  • Hosted Fields: If you're using this method, you can redirect your cardholders to the new Checkout page using the fields suggested in this guide.

The rest of this guide assumes you are migrating an existing Hosted Forms or Hosted Fields website to the new Monek Checkout feature. For more details on Monek Checkout, please refer to the Checkout Page User Guide.

Redirect to Monek Checkout

The first thing we need to change is your redirect. Your customers will currently be redirected to Secure Hosting when they are ready to pay - this will likely be done with an HTML form:

<form action="" method="post">

We need to update this to redirect to Monek Checkout:

<form action="" method="post">

Field mappings

The fields you need to send to Monek Checkout are simpler and more flexible than Secure Hosting. Because of this, you will need to update your fields to the new format. See the Checkout Page User Guide for a full list of fields; the mapping table below should help get you started.

Checkout FieldOld SH FieldNotes
MerchantIDshreferenceYour SH Reference is no longer applicable, so use your assigned Monek ID
AmounttransactionamountThe transaction amount, numeric, in minor currency i.e. pence/cents etc. No decimal point. e.g. £10.02 = 1002
CountryCodeN/AISO standard country code for merchant location. Use 826 for UK based merchants. Other options available on request.
CurrencyCodetransactioncurrencyISO standard currency code of transaction. Use 826 for Sterling transactions. Other options available on request.
DispatchN/AUsed for Deferred Dispatch. Options are NOW or LATER.
MessageTypeN/AIndicates the transaction type for the request. For example, ESALE_KEYED
ResponseActionN/ASpecifies the return method for the transaction response data. Options are HTMLQS, XML, REDIRECT, or JSON
ThreeDSActionN/AFor the simplest migration to Monek Checkout, use the value ACSDIRECT.
SuccessUrlhtmlgoodIf ResponseAction = REDIRECT is used, this is the address (URL) to which the web client will be redirected following a successful transaction.
FailureUrlhtmlbadIf ResponseAction = REDIRECT is used, this is the address (URL) to which the web client will be redirected following an unsuccessful transaction.

Product data

The Checkout page supports a flexible basket data format in JSON. To include basket details in your checkout page, build your JSON and include it base64-encoded in the Basket field.

See the Basket Details guide for reference.


You can request a server-to-server callback from the payment gateway using the Webhooks feature. This allows you to confirm the result of the transaction in your shopping cart or back-end system.

If you include the WebhookUrl field on your request, you will receive a webhook to that URL with details of the result of the transaction. See the Webhooks Guide for full details of the Webhook payload.